During the legendary 1960's, the Royal Airs competed against some outstanding drum corps from the Midwest. Competition was fierce, and fans could never comfortably predict the outcome. "On any given night..." ruled the decade. The "Big Blue" engaged in on-the-field battles with these beloved corps....most of whom are no longer in existence and have become legends in their own right.

The decade was also marked by tragedy: The Vietnam War claimed many corps members, Our Lady of Angels fire, Vanguard members killed by lightning bolts...we honor their memories.

The Casper Troopers, known for strong m&m and quality big horns.
The Racine Kilties, rarely competitive early in a season; always contenders in July!
The Nisei Ambassadors
The Racine Scouts who became serious contenders in 1967.
The Berwyn Blue Knights
The Skokie Vanguard: strong sopranos and outstanding drum line. The sister corps to the Royal Airs.
The 1967 Millstadt Crusaders: Always knocked on the door of greatness.
1965 Cover of "Drum Corps World"
Norwood Park Imperials
The Jolly Jesters. We never competed against them. They were the corps that tickled me so, that I had to join a drum corps. They came off the line in those clown uniforms, releasing helium balloons...oh,my! Now THAT was drum corps!
The Rockford Phantom Regiment
The Chicago Cavaliers in 1964/65: The Real Green Machine.
Cavies in 1960 concert formation.
Caseyville Black Knights
Who will ever forget "The Green Machine" under the direction of Don Warren. No other junior corps had their success; their record of championships; their fandom. Remember: Battle Hymn, Rainbow, Bully, March of the Wooden Soldiers, Porgy and Bess, Hold that Tiger, "splooie"? This was the corps people loved to hate!

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